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Torchlight 2 Difficulty Benefits

카테고리 없음

by unisungeo1979 2020. 1. 23. 02:52


Torchlight 2 Difficulty Benefits

Strength (325 Stat Points)Put massive points on this stat to deal huge amount of weapon and critical hit damage.Dexterity (120 Stat Points)Why only 120 Stat points?Too much dexterity plus Charge, Dodge Mastery and Share the Wealth won’t add more to dodge chance.You get more critical hit chance from Charge, Share the Wealth and Outlander armor set.Finally, you will get more dexterity from Outlander armor set.Vitality (50 Stat Points)You’re going to need some vitality if planning to play elite difficulty. Warfare (40 Skill Points)Rune Vault (10 Skill Points)Your active skill for escaping danger, it allows you to move away backward leaving enemies blinded and knockback.Long Range Mastery (15 Skill Points)Permanently increases the range and damage of your pistol.Max this skill first.Akimbo (15 Skill Points)Permanently increases the damage and chance to execute with pistol. It allows your Outlander to often strike with both pistol even without focus stats.Max this skill first.Lore (31 Skill Points)Bramble Wall (5 Skill Points)This skill keeps your enemy at range distance.Just put 5 skill points for resource efficiency.Dodge Mastery (10 Skill Points)It increases your dodge chance permanently. Dual Wield PistolThe main required equipment for this build is to dual pistol. The most high end weapon of course is recommended.Health stolen on hitHaving health stolen on hit is a must for survival. You need it for insurance even the build has the skill to keep enemies at range distance.Attack speedAttack speed increases your damage per second and health stolen on hit.Critical hit chanceMore critical hit chance is still welcome for this build to let you damage more.Bonus power to pet and minionsDon’t forget to power up your companion because they contribute really well to your survival.

DIFFICULTY: Displays the current game difficulty. SETDIFFICULTY ###: Sets the current difficulty, values range from (0) Easy to (3) Very Hard. More Commands: SKILL name/index = type just skill to see a list of skills. Type the number or the name of the skill to make active on the player. Torchlight 2 Embermage Frostmage Build Guide by Odir Disclaimer: First of all let me tell you that english is not my native language, so dont bug me about my gramar or typos;D, and second; This Guide will be very long and will be my first one ever to be written, but I hope it helps some peeps out there.

Torchlight 2 Review

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Torchlight 2 Difficulty Benefits

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Torchlight 2 Difficulty Benefits And Side Effects

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Default Game Modes/Difficulties -Unchanged Features- Drop rates of magical/rare/unique or cool items are the same in all difficulties.- Maps and dungeons are still randomized to enjoy the game with great replayability! It lookslike, some scenarios (not quest related) and maps can only be found on some game modes.Casual Mode- Easy Fun Mode for all ages!- Has the highest overall Gold gain.Normal Mode- Recommended for newbies! If you want to learn the game's gameplay features and battleplays, then this mode is a good choice for you to start. Practice and familiarize yourself!- Offers average challenge to players.- Average Gold gain per drop.- Your Pet rarely flees under Aggressive Mode.- Jumping into monster mobs is risky from now on!- Doesn't require lots of Potions. You won't even notice yourself buying potions in shops.- If you want to recreate (re-play) your fave character into higher difficulties, I recommendthat you save your best items, including your low leveled items into your Shared Stash to giveyour new character a huge boost.Veteran Mode- Recommended for experienced players. Example: Players who played Torchlight 1 orplayers who are familiar with this type of games.- Good mode to practice your skill builds and combos.- Monsters are stronger due to their higher health, attack and more.- Increased number of champion/elite/normal monsters.- Lesser overall Gold gain than Normal Mode.- Your Pet will occasionally flee under Aggressive Mode.- Average Potion usage.- Estimated overall difficulty: 2.5x of Normal Mode!Elite Mode- Much more challenging!

Might require in-depth understanding of the game.- Test your skill builds and combos here! See how they fare against these monstrouscreatures.- Monsters are much more powerful now due to their higher health, attack, stats, armor,resistances and more.- Increased number of champion/elite/normal monsters.- Monsters can 1 hit kill you if you don't have proper or better equipments!- Has the lowest overall Gold gain.- Your Pet will often flee under Aggressive Mode, specially early game.- Enemy shields are somewhat harder to shatter, specially early game.- Watch Out!


Traps are deadlier now!- You will now be using more portals or pet travels than usual to purchase items like potions,specially at early game because monsters can really hit you hard now!- Before fighting champion/elite monsters, stock up potions to help you survive throughoutthe battle. Use the best potions you can get!- Time spent will be longer, unless you have stored some items to boost your new character.3- Estimated overall difficulty: 10x of Veteran Mode!.

Monsters' level will increase according to your current level.- Same main quests and side quests.- Maps and dungeons are still randomized to enjoy the game with great replayability.- After completing NG+, you can still continue and restart the game again. A new '+' willbe added to your character profile (NG) and so on.- First Run = Monster Starts at Level 1- NG+ = Monster Starts at Level 51- NG = Monster Starts at Level 81- NG = Monster Starts at Level 100- NG = Monster Starts at Level 120- NG = Monster Starts at Level 120- Next or Succeeding 'New Game Plus' will still use NG.Note: You might need to update your Torchlight 2 to it's latest version or patch to enjoy thisguide. Some skill description and game features are different compared to the original version. If you like this PC game, please support the software developers by purchasing the game!Related Torchlight II Tips & Guides:or.

Torchlight 2 Difficulty Benefits